From the Greek
Homoeo - Similar
Pathy - Suffering
Homeopathy is an holistic medicine which uses specially prepared highly diluted substances usually from natural sources and given in either tablet or liquid from.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) was an eminent physician and chemist, working in Germany 200 years ago.
He became disillusioned with the rather crude medical treatments of the time and criticised the use of toxic substances that would destroy the overall vitality
of the individual in order to relieve symptoms of illness temporarily.
He started to think about a new way of bringing people back to health.
'Similia Similibus Curentur'
'Like Cures like'
Hahnemann developed the natural law of 'like cures like' referred to by Hippocrates 'The Father of Medicine' (460BC - 370 BC)
'By similar things a disease is produced and through the application the like is cured.'
Hahnemann's 'Eureka' moment which led to the development of Homeopathy, came when he was observing the effect of Cinchona (Peruian Bark containing quinine) on himself as a healthy person carefully recording his ensuing symptoms. He found it caused him to develop intermittent fever symptoms similar to malaria. This was the first of what Homeopath's call 'The Proving of
a Remedy'.
Hahnemann continued to experiment on himself and a group of volunteers, testing a wide range of natural substances, such as plants, minerals, etc.
Hahnemann observed that by diluting substances, their potential to poison and cause harm were reduced, and by further dilution and mixing (called succussion). The potential to cure quickly and harmlessly was made greater.